The hip abductor can become tight and restrict movement especially if in an occupation where you sit down a lot.
The hip abductor stretch is will not only increase the range of movement in the hip (mainly external rotation) but it will also strngthen the supporting muscles.
The stretch:
hip abductor stretch start position
Lay on your back with your pelvis parallel to the floor.
Make sure that your shoulder blades are on the floor.
Gently tuck your chin in.
hip abdustor stretch end position
Take a deep breath in.
Raise one leg to the chest and then the other.
Take a deep breath in.
While exhaling let both legs extend outwards until they are at the end of their range.
Hold for 3 seconds.
while inhaling gently move legs back in to the the position above the chest.
Repeat this 3 to 5 times.
Make sure that your pelvis and shoulder blades remain firmly planted on the floor.
Dont over stretch this because it can cause soreness afterwards.