Basic Cat Back Stretch

The Basic Cat is one of the gentlest and simplest ways to stretch your back. You see cats making this movement in the morning when the and you can do it too! To begin, get on all fours. Align your hands beneath your shoulders knees beneath your hips. Allow your back to assume its natural position in Neutral Spine. Inhale: Arch your back slightly, allowing your head to rise and you stick up and out. Exhale: Pull your navel in towards your spine and squeeze your low begin with a Lumbar C Curve, meaning that your lower back is curve...

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Stretch the buttocks

When a joint, particularly the hip or knee, has either degeneration or inflamation caused by arthritis there is typically a misallignment in the biomechanics of the region and as a result of this different muscles work too hard and others not hard enough. In nearly every case it is the gluteas muscles that are affected worst. How common is it to see people that have large untoned buttocks that do not match the shape of the rest of the body. While obviously this problem should be addressed at the cause which is covered in other exercises, a good stretch will...

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The ankle roll

The ankles, if restricted in movement can be the cause of many more serious injuries as limited movement in the ankles can cause a lot of other compensating fatigue injuries on other areas. The ankle roll is a very simple exercise that works the ankle joint through its range of movement and strengthens the supporting muscles while maintaining flexibility. Starting Position: Sit on the floor with your back against a wall perpendicular to the floor. Your legs should be out in front approximately shoulder distance apart. The Exercise: Extend your ankles fully so that your toes are pointing as straight...

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Hip Abductor Stretch

The hip abductor can become tight and restrict movement especially if in an occupation where you sit down a lot. The hip abductor stretch is will not only increase the range of movement in the hip (mainly external rotation) but it will also strngthen the supporting muscles. The stretch: hip abductor stretch start position Lay on your back with your pelvis parallel to the floor. Make sure that your shoulder blades are on the floor. Gently tuck your chin in. hip abdustor stretch end position Take a deep breath in. Raise one leg to the chest and then the other....

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Basic Princilples of Pilates

Before commencing any Pilates it is important that the basic principles of Pilates are understood. Joseph Pilates called it “the powerhouse”. Centering or core stability is achieved by engaging the deep postural muscles which support the spine. This involves the transversus abdominis (deep lower abdominals), Pelvic floor (urethra in men, muscles of the vagina in women) and deep back muscle multifidus.{mosgoogle} Transversus abdominus is the deepest of the four paired muscles in the abdominal wall. Contractions of these circular muscles reduces the diameter of the obdomen and pulls in the belly. You can feel the action of the transversus by...

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Hip Abductor Stretch

The hip abductor can become tight and restrict movement especially if in an occupation where you sit down a lot. The hip abductor stretch is will not only increase the range of movement in the hip (mainly external rotation) but it will also strngthen the supporting muscles. The stretch: hip abductor stretch start position Lay on your back with your pelvis parallel to the floor. Make sure that your shoulder blades are on the floor. Gently tuck your chin in. hip abdustor stretch end position Take a deep breath in. Raise one leg to the chest and then the other....

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