Basics for Beginners

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Do you dream of going to Pilates but don’t have a center offering this activity nearby? Do you think the Pilates courses near you are a little too expensive? Are you running out of time to attend a session? No problem! With these 8 Simple exercises, secure and free, you can correctly do Pilates at home, at the time that suits you.

The Pilates method, which has become very popular, is ideal for those who wish to work out in-depth and softly. With nearly 600 exercises, all with multiple variations, the Pilates is suitable for neophytes as well as experts.

The cost of the sessions and the lack of time prevent you from giving in to the sirens of the Pilates? Wipe that apology with a flip of your hand, because you can start Pilates correctly in your living room! No need for expensive equipment or devices, for these eight free and easy exercises, a floor mat and your usual sports outfit will suffice.

  1. Exercise 1: the hundred to make work his heart and his abs

This is one of the essential tasks of the Pilates method! More cardio than the others, it will work not only your core but also your abdominals, your arms, your legs, your buttocks, your breath, and your balance.


Lie on your back, then wrap your head and bend your legs to form a 90° angle with your knees.

Extend your arms and place your palms down, parallel to the floor.

To make it more comfortable, install yourself on a suitable floor mat as this one sold on Amazon. Avoid at all costs to settle on his bed, too soft, very bad for the back!


Inhale deeply five times and exhale deeply five times while lowering and raising your arms in quick, small movements. Take a short break and start over.

Repeat the exercise 10 times.


If the hundred breaths/movements are too intense for you, do not give up: make 50 and increase the number of breaths over the sessions.

Does your neck hurt? Put your head on the ground instead of wrapping it up.

  1. Exercise 2: the ball to gently massage his back and strengthen his abs

Who says Pilates is boring? This exercise is perfect for letting go but also massage your back while working on your abdominal muscles.


Sit in a sitting area with your knees bent, and your feet pointed (only your toes need to touch the ground).


Grab the back of your thighs with your hands and raise your legs slightly to roll on your back calmly.

Be sure to keep your shoulders broad and your head between your legs as you roll over your back. You have to go on your shoulders and not on your head.

Inhale and exhale deeply while engaging your abdominal muscles.

Repeat the exercise several times.


Very simple, this exercise may seem difficult for beginners for reasons of balance.

Rest assured: the more you reproduce it, the easier it will be. The secret is to let your body find the balance itself. Engage your body, not your brain!

  1. Exercise 3: small circles for muscular legs and abdominals

This exercise is ideal for teaching you how to contract the abdominal muscles even when working on your legs.


Lie on your back with your shoulders firmly anchored in the rug, hands on the floor, and ribs well open. Bend your knees, feet firmly anchored to the ground.


Stretch a leg, point with your foot, and make circles.

No need to make large circles, make small circles so that your back and shoulders do not move.

Does this exercise in one direction and then in the other and change your leg?


To maintain your balance and keep the rest of your body motionless: tighten the ABS.

  1. Exercise 4: stretching muscles all over your body

Stretching is essential to obtain long, fine muscles and avoid aches. This exercise is ideal because it allows you to stretch muscles throughout your body, especially your back.


Standing with legs apart (slightly wider than the pelvis), feet firmly anchored to the ground, straighten up as much as possible. Imagine a wire pulling your head towards the ceiling.

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Keeping this position, swivel to the left and place your right hand next to your left foot. Hold the area for a few seconds, then fold your left leg for maximum stretching and stand up. Do the same on the other side.


This exercise is also great daily to stretch the muscles of the back and thus get rid of the pains associated with the wrong position. It will also allow you to stand straight.

If the position is too difficult for you, just touch your ankle or your knee.

  1. Exercise 5: scissors to strengthen legs, tone abs, and upper back muscles

This exercise is ideal for working on your legs, upper back, and ABS (yes, the Pilates method works on your abs with every activity!).


Lie on your back with your legs straight, and your feet pointed. Wrap your head and neck in such a way that the top of your shoulders does not touch the ground anymore (no need to take off the whole upper body from the ground, a few centimeters is enough).


Raise the left leg to about 5 cm from the floor, then stretch the right leg towards the ceiling and grab your ankle with both hands.

Then lower your right leg to 5 cm off the floor (it should not touch the rug!) and stretch your left leg towards the ceiling and then grab your ankle with both hands.

Repeat the exercise several times, and don’t forget to breathe!


If this exercise is too strenuous for you, put your head on the floor and lift your bust only to grab your ankles.

  1. Exercise 6: The Swan to lengthen its muscles and relax the muscles of the back


Lie flat on your stomach on your mat, legs straight and feet pointed. Place your hands, palms on the floor next to your chest, elbows glued to the bust.


Push the floor with your palms to raise your bust as much as possible. Feel the stretching of your spine and chest. Release the pelvis that can take off from the ground. Hold the head back and return to the initial position.

Repeat the exercise several times.


For the more experienced, you can replicate this exercise by placing your hands behind your back. You will not be able to lift the bust as high as in the classic version, but the stretching will be more intense.